Wild African Grey Parrot

Thank you for taking the pet pledge

Image credit: Nature's Gifts Captured / Getty Images

Thank you for taking the Wildlife Not Pets pledge.

We truly appreciate your choice to protect animals and your commitment will help keep wildlife in the wild, where it belongs.

You can do one more thing for wild animals in the exotic pet trade by giving a gift

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The more people who join us, the more we can achieve. 

We know that change is possible, because we’ve made it happen time and again. By sharing campaigns, signing petitions and ramping up the pressure on decision makers, we can move the world for animals. 

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Captive lion in South Africa

Will you protect animals?

Every animal deserves a life worth living – from captive lions used for trophy hunting to mother pigs in cages in factory farms.

Staff at a layer hens protest, Sydney, Australia

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Elephant t-shirt from our merch shop

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