Joyce the elephant at Six Flags

Will you be a voice for Joyce the elephant?

Yes, I will

Joyce the African elephant has been in cruel captivity for 35 years.

Joyce was only a baby who was living a peaceful life by her mum’s side in Zimbabwe before a government culling brutally murdered her family as she helplessly watched on. While she was still grieving her mum, confused, terrified and alone, she was bundled into a plane and taken to the US where she began her new life entertaining tourists. 

Elephants like Joyce are put through a horrific training process that is designed to break their spirits until they submit to human control. Joyce was most likely kept alone, starved and beaten over many weeks until she lost all hope.

A life of suffering  

Eventually, she was moved on to live at other tourist entertainment venues, kept on display as if she were not a living, feeling being.

Right now, she’s languishing in Six Flags Great Adventure Park in New Jersey, USA. It’s time to put a stop to her needless suffering.

By adding your voice today, you can help us take the first step towards the rescue and relocation of Joyce to a high-welfare sanctuary so she can have a second chance at life.

Joyce the African elephant at Six Flags, US

An amusement park is no place for a wild elephant like Joyce  

Elephants like Joyce are ripped from their natural habitat and forced to spend the remainder of their lives entertaining tourists.

Normally, Joyce is kept on display in a barren enclosure for visitors passing by in large safari trucks. And on other days, she's confined to a small ‘exercise enclosure'. The rollercoasters and other loud activities can be seen above the trees behind her. During the cooler months, the park is closed, and she is continuously confined to a small barn.

But you can help give her a life worth living. Last year, compassionate animal lovers like you helped rescue and rehome Mundi, one of the many baby elephants stolen alongside Joyce from their home in Zimbabwe 35 years ago.

El Toro Roller Coaster at Six Flags. Credit:

El Toro Roller Coaster at Six Flags. Credit:

Please add your voice for Joyce. Because every day she suffers for the amusement of others is one too many.

Be a voice for Joyce

Mundi at the Elephant Refuge North America sanctuary in Georgia, US

Elephant rescued after 35 years

Thanks to your support, Mundi, an African elephant, was rescued from a zoo, after 35 years in isolation.

Elephant at Thailand zoo

Donate to protect elephants

You can help give elephants the chance to live out their lives in a calm, peaceful environment.

Wild elephant in Sri Lanka

Elephant facts

Did you know that elephants can live up to 70 years in the wild, however their lifespan in captivity is generally shorter?