Bear bile farm, Vietnam

Take action for wild and farm animals around the world

Add your voice to protect animals

Will you tell Webjet to stop profiting from animal exploitation?

Our latest report found Webjet guilty of selling some of the cruellest captive wildlife experiences, contributing to animal suffering. Learn more.

Will you protect Taiji dolphins?

Please raise your voice for Taiji dolphins who are violently captured and sold into a lifetime of captivity for profit.

Call on KFC New Zealand to give chickens better lives

Call on KFC to sign the Better Chicken Commitment and put a stop to the cruelty these creatures experience.

Will you help end elephant suffering?

Call on Mason Elephant Park and Lodge to end the captive breeding of elephants and the cruel interactions for tourist entertainment.

End dolphin suffering

Call on the Queensland government to ban captive dolphin breeding and stop captive dolphins shows and direct interactions.

Stop cruel koala cuddles

Call on the Queensland Premier to join other states in banning cruel koala encounters, including koala cuddles, selfies.

Pledge to change the world for animals

End fashion cruelty

Pledge to not purchase, wear or promote any exotic skins or wild animal fur products.

Don't get taken for a ride

Join us to stop elephant suffering and demand the travel industry rebuilds responsibly.

Sign up to the Wildlife Selfie Code

Sign our Wildlife Selfie Code now, and help filter cruelty out of selfies.

Be an Animal Friendly Traveller

You can protect animals by reducing the demand for animals in entertainment on your holiday.

Join the Plant Protein Challenge

Are you ready to discover the power of plant protein? We've got you covered with all the support you'll need throughout the challenge.

You can help create a world where animals live free from cruelty and suffering. 

Our supporters have campaigned to make life better for animals – persuading governments, international bodies, companies, communities and individuals to get serious about protecting animals.

Thanks to our supporters, we’ve made life better for billions of animals. We’ve stopped animal cruelty around the world. And we continue to speak up and speak out every day – with support from people like you.

New Zealand KFC protest
Wild dolphins in New Zealand

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