Rescued wild cats given safe haven
We’re delighted to share an update on the wild cats we rescued from captivity in a private home in New York state in July. They were bound for the illegal exotic pet trade but, thanks to you, the wild cats are all growing and recovering well in their new sanctuary homes.
Sammy and Enzo, the two youngest servals, now live at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas. While they had been malnourished when we rescued them, they’re now growing and gaining weight. Sammy is also recovering well from a minor bone fracture, caused by reduced bone density due to malnutrition. When Sammy and Enzo are ready, they’ll be moved to a large outdoor enclosure; in the meantime, the sanctuary staff is helping the animals acclimate to the outdoors with regular visits outside.
The two caracals, Hantara and Sorcha (pictured below), and the two older servals, live at Safe Haven Wildlife Sanctuary in Nevada. They live outside fulltime where they can behave naturally, socialise, and explore. Soon, they’ll be moved to a larger permanent enclosure currently under construction.
These wild cats were being kept by a man in Buffalo, USA, who allegedly intended to sell them illegally as pets. Working alongside the New York State Department of Environment Conservation the cats were rescued, given immediate veterinary care, and transferred to two sanctuaries. We will continue to work to end the cruel exotic pet trade around the world. Wild animals are not pets.
Image credit: Safe Haven Wildlife Sanctuary
Rescued wildcats given new sanctuary home