Xama the jaguar

Rescued jaguar Xamã learns how to roar in sanctuary home


New footage from Brazil shows rescued jaguar Xamã is loving life in his rainforest rescue centre, and is quickly learning the vital skills he’ll need to thrive in the wild. Take a look at how much he’s grown!

Image credit: Onçafari Rewild  

Young jaguar Xamã has found his voice! Our partners at the Onçafari Project jaguar rescue centre in Brazil have just shared some incredible new footage of him learning how to roar for the very first time.

Xamã was taught this impressive skill by his wild jaguar friend Poraquê, who lives in the forest close to Onçafari’s leafy sanctuary and regularly visits his young student.

Xamã has also grown into an excellent hunter, a great sign for his eventual return to the wild. He’s sharpened his instincts and perfected his prowl, moving quietly through the tall grass in the rescue centre before quickly capturing small paca rats his carers leave for him to find. 

This is a big improvement from Xamã’s first few hunting attempts, when it took him a month to catch just one paca!

If it wasn’t for kind animal lovers like you, Xamã might never have had the chance to grow up into the mighty jaguar he is today. As a jaguar cub, he was found all alone after devastating human-made forest fires in Brazil destroyed his home.

But thanks to you, Xamã found a new beginning in the lush Onçafari rescue centre where he could recover in safety. This young jaguar still has a bit of learning to do, but he will hopefully be ready for release back to the wild later this year.

Thank you for being there for Xamã as he gets ready to be the first ever male jaguar to be successfully released back to the Amazon.

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