Aotearoa New Zealand live export handover

Over 57,000 signatures to #ProtectTheBan on live exports


Thank you for raising your voice to protect animals in Aotearoa New Zealand from returning to the barbaric live export trade.

With your support, World Animal Protection joined animal groups and animal lovers from all over Aotearoa New Zealand to hand in the parliamentary petition demanding the Government protects the world-leading ban on cruel live exports by sea.

The parliamentary petition was led by Dr John Hellström and the handover event took place at midday outside Parliament in Wellington on Tuesday, 25th June. Here are some highlights from the #ProtectTheBan event:

More than 57,000 petitioners as well as many farmers, trade experts and business leaders agree that the current Government’s proposal to lift the ban is a regressive move for our country and animals.

Thank you for joining peaceful protests and other important nationwide actions, including chipping in for our open letter in the NZ Herald. 

Your kind-hearted support is helping keep the pressure on the Government to safeguard the ban on live exports in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ben Pearson, speaking at live export petition handover
Ben Pearson, Country Director World Animal Protection Aotearoa New Zealand

You’re also helping end live exports across the Tasman. Thanks to your support, a ban on the live export of sheep by sea was recently made law by the Australian Parliament and the cruel trade will cease by May 2028. With you by our side, we’ll continue to advocate for the Australian Government to ensure this transition prioritises sheep welfare.

Thank you for helping safeguard animals from the horrors of live export. Together, we can #ProtectTheBan.

Staff at a layer hens protest, Sydney, Australia

Take action

Take action today by signing our petitions and pledging to protect wildlife and farm animals.

Live export cow, New Zealand

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Factory farming traps farmed animals in an endless cycle of abuse and cruelty. This tragedy will only worsen as demand for meat grows globally.

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