More kiwi restaurants sign up to give chickens lives worth living
The Coffee Club, together with chicken restaurant chain Bird On A Wire, are the latest kiwi restaurants to sign the Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) Better Chicken Commitment to give meat chickens lives worth living.
Marianne Macdonald, Executive Director, Animals Aotearoa said:
Both companies already offer free-range chicken but acknowledge more can be done to address the significant welfare issues present in the current breeds. These breeds are commonly known as ‘Frankenchickens’ because of their unnatural, rapid growth.
By supporting Better Chicken Commitment standards, these businesses are showcasing real leadership in the food service sector and demonstrating their dedication to better animal welfare practices, raising the bar in New Zealand.
Coffee Club operates 63 cafés nationwide while Bird On A Wire currently has five restaurants and is rapidly expanding to expand its reach outside of Auckland.
How long do chickens raised for meat live?
On average modern meat chickens live between five and six weeks before reaching ‘slaughter weight’.
By signing the Better Chicken Commitment and agreeing to move away from using fast-growing chicken breeds in their supply chain, The Coffee Club and Bird On A Wire will help reduce chicken suffering from painful heart, lung, and bone problems.
The ANZ Better Chicken Commitment is backed by 15 animal organisations including World Animal Protection, Animals Aotearoa, the New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Aotearoa (VAWA) and Compassion in World Farming.
Ben Pearson, Country Director, World Animal Protection ANZ said:
Together, we'll continue calling on food companies and restaurants in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world to take a lead on animal welfare.
The Coffee Club and Bird On A Wire join Domino's, Hello Fresh, Marley Spoon Joe & The Juice, Open Farm, My Food Bag and SwoleFood in making a commitment to giving chickens better lives.
Now it's time for KFC and other fast-food restaurants in Aotearoa New Zealand to follow their lead. Will you be a voice for chickens used by KFC?
Together we can end chicken suffering. Forever.

Chicken facts
Did you know chickens have been living with humans for more than 5,000 years and their closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Donate to protect chickens
In industrial farming, a chick may go her entire life without seeing sunlight. Together, we can give chickens lives worth living.

Give KFC chickens better lives
Call on KFC to sign the Better Chicken Commitment and put a stop to the cruelty these creatures experience.