Cam, a former bile bear, makes a new friend in Vietnam sanctuary
From being illegally locked up in a tiny cage on a bile farm to enjoying a happy and peaceful life in the Ninh Binh bear sanctuary, this Cam the bear update is sure to warm your heart.
Images credit: FOUR PAWS Vietnam
A heartbreaking past
Cam was only six years old when you helped save him from the horrific abuse on a bile farm in Hai Phong province, Vietnam two years ago.
Before his rescue, he would live in a narrow steel cage measuring 1 x 1.2 metres wide and 1.5 metres high which made it almost impossible for him to move around. Moreover, Cam was fed a poor diet and had no access to any enrichment.
But thanks to your support, together with local partners Four Paws International, Education for Nature Vietnam and local authorities, we were able to negotiate Cam’s release and secure him a forever home at Four Paws International sanctuary in Ninh Binh.
A heartwarming present
Because of you, Cam is now thriving and loves to mingle with other resident bears in his peaceful sanctuary home. He has even found a best friend in a female bear, Mo.
When they first met, Mo was shy, but Cam bravely approached her and stroked her gently until she became comfortable around him.
Today, the two enjoy spending all their hours play-fighting, climbing trees and rolling on the grass together.
Thanks to you, Cam is living his best life, and we can make this a reality for every bear by putting an end to the cruel bile farming industry. Forever.
With your support, World Animal Protection and other partnering NGOs have worked with the Vietnamese government to end the cruel practice of bear bile farming and protect the small population of bears remaining in the wild.
Together, we can give every bear a life worth living.
Thanks to you, Cam is living his best life, and we can make this a reality for every bear by putting an end to the cruel bile farming industry. Forever.